About Maithili Panda
Gaya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the demon), demon (asur, a Sanskrit word) and Gaya. Lord Vishnu killed Gayasur, the holy demon by using the pressure of his foot over him.
This incident transformed Gayasur into the series of rocky hills that make up the landscape of the Gaya city.It is a legend that lord Vishnu promise to demon Gayasur that this city will be popular by the name of Great Demon Gaya sur. And who will perform shraddha (pinnddan) ceremonies on the foot print of lord Vishnu there ancestors will go to heaven and moksha.
According to great Epic Ramayana The lord Rama along wife Sita visited Gaya and performed shraddha (pinnddan) at Gaya during the fortnight period just Before Durga Pooja known as Pitrapaksha.Gaya Panda (priest of Vishnu Temple) have a evidence that Maurya, Gupta king, Kumaril Bhatt, Ram Krishna Paramhansa, Chattaian Maha Pharavu and Lord Shankara Charaya also visited Gaya to performed rituals..

The Vishnu Pad temple is one of the most attractive and scared of the all the vaisnava and traditional Vishnu temple. This is stand on the famous mythology or story of killing domen Gayasur and leaving a mark of the footprint of lord Vishnu on the rock.
This is the main object to worship in the temple. This temple is present on the bank of Phalgu River. It was built by the end of the eighteen century in 1780 A.D by the queen of Indore Ahliya Bai Holkar. who brought about 1200 sculptors from jaipur (Rajasthan) The temple is constructed by black granite stone from patherkatti (Gayaji) and construction of temple was completed in about 12 year. The top of the temple looks like tomb which is very decent look to see.the height of temple about 100 ft. This temple is consist of in plan of a sanctum. There is a flag of 50 kg gold on the top tower of temple.
There is a Silver Umbrella lies beautifully on the top The foot print of lord Vishnu are dopicated with malayagire sandal paste and the pooja and arti is held. At the last different different arms of lord Vishnu is being printed on the foot print such as Conch, Chakra, Gada, Padma, Lotus, Jaou, Teer-Dhanus and many more.There is a great mythology of putting Tulsi Leaf on the foot print of lord Vishnu.

Maithili Panda
Akshayevat is ½ km far from Vishnu pad temple.Akshay Vat mean is everlasting, indestructable "Banyan Tree" It is very important place due to Pind Daan has done at this tree. Pinda Daan is starts from Falgu River and its finish at Akshay Vat. This tree is got a boom by Sita, That you can’t die. that’s why it is called Akshay Bata. according to Ved Puran. Lord Krishna will stay under its shadow, when whole world will drown in to the water, but this tree will not die. Because of getting the boom by Sita...."
When actually Lord Rama Chandra came to Gaya to offer Pinda Daan to his Father Dashratha? It is believed that Rama belonged to Treta Yuga, This yuga covered 12,96,000 mortal years.After Treta, came Dwapar yuga covering 8,64,000 mortal years.This is the kali yuga.The period is to cover another 4,32,000 mortal years.In such a situation Rama came to Gaya for offering oblation to his deceased father more than 12 lakh years ago. And the pinddaan in Gaya Ji practice for the salvation of a soul was in vogue since long and still continues to be an integral part of Hindumythology. Gaya finds mention in the great epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata. In Mahabharat, the place has been identified as Gayapuri. Gaya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the holy demon), demon (asur, a Sanskrit word) and Gaya. Over its history dating millennia, the word asur got deleted and the name Gaya remained in currency.A study of Gaya perhaps Cannot be completed without a refernce to the Gaya Mahatmya In Gaya Mahatmya,
And Gaya Mahatmya also speaks about the powerful demon Gayasur and how Lord Vishnu in his mace bearing form had persuaded the demon motionless with his body and how Lord Vishnu killed Gayasur. the holy demon by using the pressure of his foot over him and forming the panch kosi Gaya keshetra,the most pious land on earth,And Gayasur was the creation of Brahma and his body with his head in the north covers the area from the bodhgaya on the south to prethshilla on the north, and after his death many people have flocked to Gaya to perform shraddha or pinddaan sacrifices on his body to absolve the sins of their ancestors. And It was said that the Gayasura's body would continue to be known as Gaya Kshetra.
It is believed that this place has been blessed by purificatory powers. Hindus traditionally come here to perform pind daan to honour their parents or ancestors and people also participate in the massive get together who perform the final rites of their departed family members to freed from the agonies of Hell and sent to Heaven. As we say the king of holy place is Prayag. The teacher of holy place is Pushkar. Thus Gayaji is called the soul of holy place. (it is written in Bedpuran) Gayaji is only one of the places where hindues worship their parents, ancestors with the Lord..